Friday, January 9, 2009

Brazil Update #2

Hello AGPMA Friends and Family,

Great Christians “Think GREAT thoughts!” According to Pastor Chip Ingram, this is one of the principles that allows Christians to move from “Good to Great in God’s Eyes.” This is one of my favorite scriptures, written by Paul to encourage the Philippians:

“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good reputation, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” - Philippians 4:8

If we allow it, God’s Word can transform our minds from thinking negative thoughts to thinking positive thoughts – from focusing on what is bad, to focusing on what is good. I have definitely needed Paul’s encouragement since my departure from home and arrival to Brazil. Though filled with its challenges, I will spare you the gory details and focus on the good!

There is plenty of good to share…beginning with my nine hour flight from Dulles to San Paulo, where I sat next to a Christian gentleman named Christopher Dietmar, who was on his way home to Brazil. Light conversation led to a deep Bible study (for three hours), after I discovered that Christopher was a Christian. “As iron sharpens iron,” he and I were both sharper in God’s Word when we parted ways.

I arrived in Rio, Brazil on Wednesday at 11:00am. Unfortunately, upon arrival I found out that my apartment would not be ready until Thursday. No, I didn’t have to sleep on the streets like some of the unfortunate souls who I have seen down here (and back at home). Instead, I had the opportunity to stay with the owner of the apartment and share some of my favorite scriptures along with a daily devotional. As I said, my arrival was not without its challenges, but my apartment was ready for me to move in to on Thursday around 3:00pm and this was the beginning of breakthough!

Breakthrough came when I arrived at the Brazilian Top Team (BTT) gym where I would be training for the next three weeks. BTT is located in the hub of Zona Sul, on the border of a lagoon and in view of the mountains. BTT fighters train in Vale Tudo (“anything goes” in Portuguese), which is the same as Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). They are one of the most famous teams in the world. What an awesome experience to train in their environment!

There I met world famous Mario Sperry who has a reputation for being one of the greatest ground fighters in the world. Mario spoke English and he introduced me to Claudio Palmieri and Christo da Conceicao (who goes by “Banana”), who have been my private instructors since Saturday. Claudio and Banana are two of the most sincere and friendliest people I have ever met. We have had three awesome private lessons in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) – just them and me! The language barrier is not as bad here for me as it was in Thailand. Portuguese parallels Spanish quite a bit and I am very fluent in Tex-Mex (as long as it is spoken sloooooooowly)J! On our second lesson, a third person joined us to act as a translator and this helped tremendously. Just like in Thailand, communication gets easier and I become more comfortable with the environment each day.

Aside from training and sharing the Word as much as I can, one of my objectives in my travels is to learn and observe the best and most up to date training methods, so that I can come home and torture (I mean train J) my students like the world’s best. Lookout students…I’m coming home with some great stuff! Brazilian Top Team fighters train in Brazilian Jui-Jitsu, Muay Thai, and wrestling under the direction of Mario Sperry and his partner, Murilo Bustamante. I have spent some quality time speaking with Mario and watching and taking notes as he trains his fighters. He is no-nonsense and intense in his training, yet he has taken the time to be courteous and to welcome me with respect. I have enjoyed asking him questions about the training and asking him to translate for me. While I can follow his teaching for the most part, it is sometimes nice to understand the spirit of what he is saying on a deeper level.

I have also bonded with Darryl Gholar, a wrestling coach who teaches the wrestling and take down component of the Vale Tudo. Darryl is a world class wrestler who has beaten Randy Couture (not too shabby). Another wrestling coach named Jefferson Teixeira, a three time national champion and former collegiate coach, has been highly recommended to me. I have a private lesson scheduled with him on Friday morning where I will seek to get more training in wrestling takedowns.

I owe my next meeting to one of AGPMA’s own Black Belts, Bea Grant. She arranged for me to meet up with her dad, Professor Rudolph Hermanny, who is a long time Judo, Capoeira, and now Jiu-Jitsu player. He met me at my apartment on Monday at three and treated me to another breakthrough…the most delicious dinner I have had in a long time. The restaurant had a huge salad bar and the main course was meat, meat, and more meat – at least five kinds of meat served Brazilian style (one at a time to your table)! As the meat kept coming, I kept saying “Sim” (yes) and “Abrigodo” (thank you)! I rolled myself out of there and we went to “Pao de Acucar” (the Sugar Loaf), the western hemisphere’s most famous monolith. It rises from the dark sea to just under 400 meters high, towering over Botafogo beach and separating Guanabara Bay from the open Atlantic Ocean. The views from the top by cable car are unforgettable. Rio de Janeiro is a city like none other, incredibly built into cliffs and mountains and surrounded by the lagoons and beaches of a tropical forest.

From there, we visited Professor Hermanny’s friend, Professor Kastriot Mehdi, at the Academia De Judo, where we watched him teach two great Judo classes. We ended the night at the club where Professor Hermanny trains in Jui-Jitsu and teaches an exercise class to a group of ladies who have been with him for over 20 years. There we watched a Shotokan class, which reminded me of my love for that style and the respect I have for its founder, Gischin Funakoshi. One of his philosophies that I live by to this day is that “Karate always begins and ends with respect.” Great Stuff!

As you can see, what got off to a rocky start has transitioned into a series of blessings and opportunities that can only be described as divine arrangements. Daily challenges have continued to show their ugly face, but I continuously strive to be a “good finder.” I just can’t help but think about how often we are faced with a challenge and lose heart. Instead of finding the positive we become overwhelmed with the negative and give up just before breakthrough. I encourage you to become a “good finder,” stay focused on what is “excellent or praiseworthy.” It will give you the power to see your life to breakthrough!

I want to thank my supporters – Mr. Polizzi (of Polizzi Financial Services) and all of you who have responded to his offer by using his services and supporting this cause. Also, I want to thank all the prayer warriors who are keeping me showered in prayers. Thank you all for your continued support!

God’s Love and Peace,

Al Garza

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